First of all, Happy Valentines Day ❤
This week, I focus on updating Penny Theme and improving theme feature in general. It’s a major updates. So, I’ll explain in detail what changed and why.
If you have problem after updating, just contact me. I’ll help.
Penny v.2 Upgrade Notes and Change-Log
#1. Framework Updates
Penny is now using Tamatebako framework, this update allow me to fully control theme development, features, and future updates. This also allow me to add these feature in Penny:
- Fonts Options.
- Custom CSS.
- Logo Upload.
#2. Content Width, Layout, and Sidebar
Penny content width is too wide. This make it hard for visitor to read the content comfortably. I make it smaller so reader can focus easier to the content.
I also remove sidebar toggle and this allow me to add left sidebar layout. So, now Penny not only have right-sidebar layout and full-width layout, it also have left-sidebar layout.
#3. Logo Upload
Penny no longer use WordPress “Custom Header” as logo, now it uses Tamatebako “Logo Module” with additional feature to use the logo as icon or as title/tagline replacement.
You will need to re-configure your “Logo” via customizer.
#4. Other Improvement and social icons
I redesign several elements such as widgets, and comment section to make it neater and better. One big improvement is using Genericons (icon font). And navigation menu widget now support Social Icons. Simply add your social account link via Menu feature, and add that menu to widget area to display social icons.
#5. Page Template
I add “Front Page” template in Penny. I think it will be useful as landing page if you use your site as project page.#6. Plugins SupportI didn’t have time to add plugins support in Penny, but I manage to add WP SEO (Yoast) Breadcrumb feature. If you use Yoast SEO, simply activate the breadcrumb feature and it will be displayed below navigation menu.
Well, there are tons of little improvement, and the next update I’ll focus on more Plugins Support such as WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and Events Calendar.
Next Week
There’s new plugin f(x) TOC (table of contents) planned to release, and LifeLog theme update. I’ll also start designing new theme for February release.
Stay tune.