Main Docs Page: AutoHosted Docs
Un-restricted Automatic Updates
Using this config, your plugin will auto updates without restriction. Every one who install you plugin can do automatic update.
$config = array(
'base' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // required
'repo_uri' => '', // required, home url where you install auto-hosted plugin.
'repo_slug' => 'your-plugin', // required, your plugin slug from auto-hosted plugin in your site.
But you can restrict it by domain where the plugin is installed. Just add the list of domain in “Domains Restrict” input (separate multiple domain by line) in “Restrict Updates Meta Box”.
Restrict Updates using Activation Key from Dashboard Meta box input.
Using this config, your plugin user can only use auto updates feature when they input valid activation key. You need provide a list of activation key in “Activation Keys” input (separate multiple activation key by line) in “Restrict Updates Meta Box”.
$config = array(
'base' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // required
'repo_uri' => '', // required, home url where you install auto-hosted plugin.
'repo_slug' => 'your-plugin', // required, your plugin slug from auto-hosted plugin in your site.
'dashboard' => true, // will create dashboard meta box with activation key input.
Restrict Updates using Activation Key from your plugin settings page.
You can integrate activation key input in your plugin settings page and add the key from your settings page data.
$config = array(
'base' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // required
'repo_uri' => '', // required, home url where you install auto-hosted plugin.
'repo_slug' => 'your-plugin', // required, your plugin slug from auto-hosted plugin in your site.
'key' => get_option('your-plugin-option-name'), // data from your plugin settings page.
Restrict Updates only for your site members using dashboard input.
With this config, only members in your site can do automatic updates. This configuration will create dashboard meta box where your members can input their user name (user login) and email.
$config = array(
'base' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // required
'repo_uri' => '', // required, home url where you install auto-hosted plugin.
'repo_slug' => 'your-plugin', // required, your plugin slug from auto-hosted plugin in your site.
'username' => true,
'dashboard' => true,
If you are using this config, you need to select at least one user role in auto-hosted plugin data in “Restrict Updates Meta Box”. Only members in roles selected can use automatic updates.
You need to install auto-hosted plugin in your site where your members registered.
Restrict Updates only for your site members using plugin settings page.
With this config, only members in your site can do automatic updates. You need to create your own input where your plugin user can input their user name (login name) and email as activation key.
$config = array(
'base' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // required
'repo_uri' => '', // required, home url where you install auto-hosted plugin.
'repo_slug' => 'your-plugin', // required, your plugin slug from auto-hosted plugin in your site.
'username' => get_option('option-name-for-user-login'), // user login name in your site.
'key' => get_option('option-name-for-user-email'), // user email in your site.
If you are using this config, you need to select at least one user role in auto-hosted plugin data in “Restrict Updates Meta Box”. Only members in roles selected can use automatic updates.
You need to install auto-hosted plugin in your site where your members registered.