Main Docs Page: AutoHosted Docs
This apply to all plugins sections supported by auto-hosted plugin. List of plugin sections input:
- Changelog (Plugin Update Data Meta Box)
- Description (Plugin Sections Meta Box)
- FAQ (Plugin Sections Meta Box)
- Screenshots (Plugin Sections Meta Box)
- Other Notes (Plugin Sections Meta Box)
Allowed tags:
/* plugins sections allowed tags */ $plugins_allowedtags = array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'target' => array() ), 'abbr' => array( 'title' => array() ), 'acronym' => array( 'title' => array() ), 'code' => array(), 'pre' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'div' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'ul' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'li' => array(), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'img' => array( 'src' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'alt' => array() ) );
If you input other HTML tags, the tags will be sanitize and removed when saving plugins item.